“The child’s brain has the innate wisdom to tell the child what they need to do.” – Jane M Healy
As each class begins, the children proceed to do whatever and wherever their brain is directing them. The preschool, inside and outside, is filled with opportunities and materials for the children to engage with and explore. This space is their space for 2.5 hours.
So, what does parent participation look like?
The responsibility of the Staff and Parents is to create a rich environment for the children. Staff sets up prior to class each day and upon opening the doors at the beginning of class, we expect parents to arrive on time and be ready to jump in - prepared to supervise the children's play and support them wherever needed...refill colored water, give more baking soda, refill paint cups...to be present.
We believe that having parents share in the experience of RCP is the best way to support the whole child.
Parent Participation Requirements:
- Work in your child's class (1) designated day each week
- Attend our mandatory Orientation(s) at the beginning of the school year
- Attend our required monthly parent meeting (typically the 2nd Wednesday of the month)
- Volunteer hours outside of class time
- Fundraising
- Housekeeping (cleaning) 2-3 times per school year
The staff supports and prepares the parents through our parent/family education nights - Orientation, monthly Parent Meetings, and one-on-one conversations throughout the year. We are committed to the parent participation model as we find it the most valuable way to connect with families while honoring the developmental needs of young children. We believe participation builds community. It models to the children the importance of working together and it instills in them the sense of “Belonging.”
A Community exists when there is:
* A shared sense of purpose
* Agreement on Core Values
* Participation
* Communication
* Commitment
* Shared Responsibility
* Collaboration
As a parent participation preschool, our families also serve in other capacities to help our school community function successfully.
These requirements are outlined more thoroughly in the enrollment process as well as in the Parent Handbook.